The main developments in color theory took place during Renaissance when likes of Leonardo and Van Gogh gave new meaning to the use of color in their painting depicting Aerial perspectives. Aerial dispersion and diffusion were the key components of their work.

The renaissance period was followed by the Impressionist painting period which showcased effects of color have on one another.

One of the main influencer of color was Ogden Nicholas Rood, who explained the physical differences between mixtures of colored lights and paint mixtures.

Painters of 19th century used these information in different ways they included aspects of the color as seen on the objects and also as the light reflected from the objects.

The end of 19th century brought Albert Munsell who brought scientific knowledge that could be used by the Artist community by systematically describing and managing color.

The social media brought in the new revolution which is comparable to the Renaissance period where colors have become a common use element of the mass populations. The color usage, accessibility and science has gone mainstream for both mainstream and non-mainstream medium.

Photo Courtesy: Renaissance Colors by DaFotoGuy on DeviantArt
